Calculate your transport costs online

Calculate your transport costs easily and quickly using the Transculator. Fill in the fields below and you will immediately see your transport costs. After the calculation, click on "request quote" and our specialists will prepare a no-obligation quote for you.

For Business
Calculate costs online


Using the Transculator, you can easily and quickly calculate the transport costs for your shipment. Fill in the boxes and see immediately what your shipping costs will be. Do not forget to click on "request quote" after the calculation. Our specialists will immediately get to work for you to prepare a no-obligation quote.


Our online customer portal - the TransPortal - is a convenient platform where you can arrange everything in one place. You can easily request a quote, upload and download documents, follow the status of your transport and chat live with your own contact person. You also see immediately which actions are still open for you. So you know exactly before which date you need to upload your CRM or when you need to submit an invoice.

Customer portal
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