Urgent transport
Express courier service

Express courier service

Urgent transport and courier services to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia. When your freight has to be somewhere fast, our courier service is the perfect solution. We have options for single boxes as well as multiple pallets.

Do you have a shipment that should have reached the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary or Slovenia yesterday? No worries, we guarantee that a courier will be at your doorstep within 3 hours to load your urgent shipment. As a freight forwarder, we have an excellent courier network and we always find the best solution, regardless of the size of the shipment. At Forwarding Plus you are assured of reliable and fast delivery, as we are ISO 9001 certified!

Whether it is a single pallet, complete trailer or a machine, we arrange your urgent transport. Our specialists know exactly what is possible and are ready to help you.

We understand that every second counts when it comes to urgent transport, which is why we will send you a quote within half an hour. Can't wait half an hour? Then contact us directly via telephone. Our specialists are ready for you! For less urgent questions, you can always send us an e-mail or start a live chat.

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Quote within 30 minutes

Receive a quotation within 30 minutes for an urgent transport. Can't wait that long? Then call us immediately, our specialists will be happy to assist you.

Competitive rates

Because we work as an independent freight forwarder, we can offer very competitive rates for your urgent transport to or from Central Europe. We know exactly what is best for you and your urgent transport.

Competitive rates

A custom portal for your urgent transport.

Urgent transport from A to B

You get access to our online customer portal where you can easily manage your urgent transport. Here you will also find all relevant information and documentation regarding urgent transport. This way, an urgent transport to the Czech Republic or any other destination in Central Europe can be arranged even faster!

Specialist in urgent transport

An urgent transport to or from the Czech Republic or an urgent transport to Slovakia is easily arranged with us. Thanks to our extensive courier network, we can easily and quickly arrange an urgent transport for you. Give us a try!

Unique service: you only pay for the outward journey!

With us, you only pay for the outward journey. Our operations across Europe ensure that we almost always have a return for our couriers. For example, if your shipment needs to go from Slovakia to the Czech Republic, we only charge for the kilometres from Slovakia to the Czech Republic. We provide a new express shipment from the Czech Republic to another European country ourselves. Well arranged, right?

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